David Fontaine wrote:
> Realistically the dark side should be pitch black, but this is a great
> improvement. Besides, artistic license...
i was thinking about that and i don't think it is completely black.
almost, sure, but not all. consider this: when there's no moon out or
it's a new moon, and you are in the middle of nowhere, you can still see
enough to walk around and not kill yourself by falling off a cliff or
something. Plus, artistic license like you said. i'm still going to
try and tweak it though. i'm trying out a circular area light with
orient activated as well as parallel. the size and distance are that of
our sun. we'll see how it turns out. i think i read somewhere that pov
and megapov don't like really big and really small numbers in the same
scene. so, if i have the planet and the sun with realistic numbers, how
can i add spaceships of realistic size?
> --
> David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricynet> ICQ 55354965
> Please visit my website: http://www.faricy.net/~davidf/
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